Inky’s Super Unusual Ordeal

→  Presenting Concern: Inky’s family were concerned after noticing a large lump on inky, and decided to arrange an appointment with Dr Christo, our exotic vet to get it checked out.

→ Diagnosis and Examination: During a thorough examination, Dr Christo discovered that Inky had a large calcified mass/ stone lodged in his urethra. Surprisingly, and luckily, Inky was still able to urinate despite the obstruction.

→ Possible Causes:

Although, the exact cause is unknown. Dr Christo has a suspicion that a very small stone developed in the bladder, passed through to the urethra and became lodged in this location. The minerals in the urine potentially caused the increased growth of the stone causing it to become as large as it did.

→ Treatment and Recovery: Inky required a general anaesthetic to clear the stone from the urethra. The stone was too large to pass in one piece, so Dr Christo had to gently break it, and remove it piece by piece. In recovery, Inky was closely monitored and kept on oxygen until fully recovered from his anaesthetic. After his anaesthetic, Inky happily ate all of his greens, and was super happy and comfortable!

Inky will go home on some pain relief and anti inflammatories while he recovers at home!

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